RollingOn has found another great way to reach people experiencing rural homelessness and help fulfill their foot health and physical mobility needs. I have been working with Brother Charlie’s Rescue Center to donate rolling suitcases and socks collected by RollingOn to people experiencing unsheltered homelessness in rural Georgia. Like the Tiftarea House of Hope with whom RollingOn has partnered with for donations in the past, Brother Charlie’s Rescue Center is located in Tift County, GA, a rural county in the deep southern part of Georgia. Brother Charlie’s mission is to fight homelessness not only in the town of Tifton and Tift County, but also across the South Georgia region. It also has a special outreach program that is aimed specifically at providing support services for unsheltered groups living in rural parts of Georgia. Mauricio Almagro, Resident Director at Brother Charlie's Rescue Center, said "This generous contribution will go a long way towards our cause, especially for our outreach program. Brother Charlie's has a lot of people experiencing homelessness without shelter who come through our outreach program, and we will distribute these donations to them. It's really a much needed service that you're doing." Please be sure to check out this video to find out more about Brother Charlie's Rescue Center and the story of its director, Mr. Mark Stone.